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The chess school "Intellectual Kings” by the Russian Learning Center has been open for 10 years.

We offer 3 groups of chess courses for players at various levels of skill and age. The students have one of the largest chess libraries in the world at their disposal, owned by an internationally renowned chess historian and teacher Yakov Zusmanovich.

We are aware that most students will not plan to become professional chess players, but the skills acquired in chess – perseverance, logical thinking, a critical approach to set tasks, and the ability to anticipate,  will be useful not only in school, but also in adulthood.


Chess is a combination of sport, art and science. Most historians believe chess is created in the image and likeness of life, forming an autonomous microcosm of life and peace.


We are sometimes asked why we need to spend time and money on studying the "game" which is a fair and important question.


You pay for your child to learn to be disciplined, develop his or her intellect and creativity, cope with loss and disappointment, and learn how to strive for and achieve their goals.


You pay for your child to understand that success requires time and commitment and that success does not come overnight.


You pay for your child to chance to make friends with similar interests and aspirations for life, for your child to play in tournaments instead of sitting around for hours in front of a TV or iPad.


We could continue, but to briefly summarize: you pay not just for chess, but for the opportunities that this sport offers to your child.

We are sure that this is your best investment - the school of life!

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